Saturday, September 24, 2005

You see, it's never good enough
To just leave or give up ;

Happy birthday, Kelly ! I've know you for some time now, and you're just about the greatest friend I've had. You give really good advice, and you've shown me your takes on life and taught me that the world really isn't all pretty and stuff. But then again, friends like you make it all worthwhile. (: There's so much to say, but I'd end it here. Have a wonderful birthday. <3

I'm gonna make the next 48 hours count. Man, I wish the exams would pass over quick. I could just die right now. Acids, bases, salt. Uh, add them with metals and you get what, hydrogen ? I'm tempted to write explosion. (:


Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm tripping on words ,
You've got my head spinning ;

I'm back, and here's to me turning fifteen. (:
Happy birthday.

So I'm older by a year now. And yeah, I've gotta think more like an adult now, I've gotta stop behaving like a kid and stuff. No more candles, no more cartoons. Hoho. I guess, it's really time for me to grow up. I've seen so much these fifteen years, and learned so much too. I've grown to realise that the reason for our existence in this world, is to love. We were created out of love, and we're born to love. Yet it's one thing to say it, and another to actually do it. Cause when the world rears it's ugly head at you, there's no way out. All you can do, is to take whatever shit that's being thrown at you, pick yourself up, and brace yourself from another attempt to hold you down.

I'm gonna learn from these fifteen years. Surviving in this world isn't easy, it never was. When the only comfort you could ever find, is in your family, and maybe in your lover's eyes. But in the end, it's all down to you. You never know when fate's gonna deal another blow in your direction, you never know the future.

Cause it's you and me,
And all of the people with nothing to do.

You never know how a simple message you sent, how a short call to say happy birthday meant so much to me. Even though it hurts to know someone else's waiting on the other line, and that someone's always on your mind, I won't mind. I won't. Cause you never know how much you meant in my heart. <3

Okay. September 19th's gonna be over real soon. I'll miss the touch of the mouse, and the constant typing on the keyboard. But then again, the darn exams are nearing. Yeah, I know no matter how hard I study, I never do get the results I so badly want. I've got a feeling all these studying aren't gonna do much help.

I'm gonna learn You and Me ! One day, I'll just play it for you. <3

Thanks for the short smses, everyone. (: Thanks mum, thanks dad. (:
And thank you. <3

Sunday, September 11, 2005

You can be my james dean ,
I'll be your sweet queen ;

Alright, the exams are staring me in the face and I haven't done anything much to get them off my back. So far, I've just been lazing through the entire holidays, and yeah, I'm feeling way guilty. The computer had been the #1 distraction, and I've been thinking of ways to destroy it. Hoho. I could put it in the fridge and let it freeze to its death, or I could dump in into a volcano and watch it sink into the lava. But nah, I came up with the perfect plan. I'm gonna cripple it, steal the mouse, and stuff it in some locker and then throw the key down the rubbish chute.

Okay, enough crap. I'd come back let's see, the 19th. To well, say happy birthday to myself and maybe, to check for mails. After which, I shall go back and delve into deep seclusion. Whoo. I'm gonna mug my ass off these few weeks. Boy, I'm gonna miss everyone. But then again, no one shall notice my disappearance, no one would care, and no one ever steps into this blog anymore. Pfft, nevermind.

Byebye Mr Computer. Hello, my tattered-and-torn books.

Wish me luck. (:

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just as long as I have you ,
Right here by me ;

And just how sweet is this song.

This whole week span of holidays have just been a bore. But heck, I won't wanna get back to school just yet. I've been trying to stay home, be a good boy, and study. But screw the distractions, I haven't acomplish nothing, not since the holidays started. And I've realised, that every now and then, people are dealt terrible blows, and others just don't know how darn lucky they are. Ah, fuck this, this world isn't a pretty place to be in.

If I was to be given a chance to leave this place, I won't stop to think twice. Trust me.